Breaking News
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Info Post
Oh, we're going to Kentucky,
We're going to the fair
To see the senorita
With flowers in her hair

Well, not really to Kentucky, which is thousands of miles from here, no, we're going to the Sydney Antiques Fair in May.  This should be a blast.
I’m planning this to be a combination exhibit-cum-brag-cum-meet & greet event for us, plus of course everything we have will be for sale.  So I have to get my act in gear and plan our booth (luckily the multi-talented Martin Curry is artistic and has already been drafted into the design process) AND we’re planning what to bring.

Some people have really outstanding exhibits, so we don’t want to look absolutely dreadful. At least, I don’t. Martin is so down-to-earth and take-me-or-leave-me that one wonders if he’s in the least bit concerned.  He always says, though, that one never gets a second chance to make a good first impression, so I think he’ll be a little bit more engaged in the process than he’s letting on at this point.

Stay tuned.


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