Breaking News
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Info Post
Der Schrei der Natur - Edvard Munch
Photo via Wikipedia

If you are or you will be in New York over the next few months, you should seriously consider getting over to the Museum of Modern Art.

A visit to the MoMA is always a worthwhile endeavour, but beginning on Wednesday 24th October, Edvard Munch's artwork, or at least one of the four versions of the artwork, a pastel-on-board version which is the only one held privately, will be exhibited.

You may recall the hoopla attending its auction by Sotheby's last May, resulting in its becoming the most expensive painting ever sold at auction.

Well, love it, hate it, or can't believe that someone spent that kind of @#$!* money for it, there's no escaping the hype, or its iconic popular status.

There's so much available about the drawing on the 'Net already that I don't have to repeat the particulars. I'll just urge you to hie your rusty dusty over to the museum and make up your own mind about the work.

Lastly, I'd like to commend the buyer for his generous gesture in making the painting available for public viewing for the next six months. No one knows for sure who the 'anonymous' buyer is (though it's widely believed to be New York financier Leon Black, whose staff politely respond 'no comment'). Whatever. My compliments to you.


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