Breaking News
Monday, May 9, 2011

Info Post
Meet me in St. Louis, Louis
Meet me at the fair!
Don't tell me the lights are shining
Any place but there!

Meet Me in St. Louis - Kerry Mills and Andrew B. Sterling

It ain't St. Louis, and it ain't the turn of the last Century. No, we're heading to the Australian Antiques Fair, Moore Park, Sydney, 18-22 May. I'll admit to being nervous.

Now, I'm doing all the print materials, admin and publicity for the Fair.

We've been sharing the buying.

I am NOT, however, doing any of the packing!

Why? Because a certain Mr Curry keeps reminding me that the breakage count is 3-nil, against me! This includes dropping the lid of a museum-quality Davidson glass sugar bowl (no sh*, there's one in the V&A), a couple of years ago.

On that occasion, I just stood there dumbfounded staring at shards all over the floor.

Curry just said, 'Jaaaaysus, wumman! What are yer doin'? Here I am tryin' to earn a livin' and you breakin' up the place! I'm goin' ta tell yer mothr!!'

Did I marry the right fellow, or what?

That kind of support makes the nerves calmer.

The countdown continues....


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