Breaking News
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Info Post
A boy! One boy for sale!
He's going cheap!

-How much?

Only fifty guineas

-How much?!

That...or thereabout....

- Sung by the late Harry Secombe as Mr Bumble in Lionel Bart's Oliver!

Microsoft has just confirmed that they've bought Skype. My mind boggles at the $8.5bn price tag.  Hey!  That's less in Australian dollars at the moment! (Maybe I should make an offer?)

Okay, okay, so, strictly speaking, that isn't art news.

It does, however, have an effect on international communications, which of course means that all of our businesses are affected, unless perhaps you run a Mom-and-Pop Shop, but chances are that Mom and Pop use Skype to talk to the grandkids, which helps their bottom line, and these days, even itty bitty local businesses have email, websites, and Skpe, and who knows what the next great thing will be?

Or what it'll cost?

Further, this affects online sellers across many industries, including ours, because e-commerce giant eBay still owns an interest in Skype.

Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice.


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