Breaking News
Monday, May 23, 2011

Info Post
We're back!

As you know if you've been paying attention, we just made our debut at the Australian Fine Art & Antiques Fair, run by the extremely competent, organised and helpful Jim & Helen Johnson.

We had a blast!

More on that later.

First, though, I have to let you know about the grand series of disasters that attended our debut:
  • Total computer hard drive failure, the Saturday before (had to happen on a Saturday, right?)
  • Problems with truck (well, at least it didn't break down on the way there, and we had plenty of time to hire one)
  • Display cabinets were very late in arriving (already told you about that one)
  • Little problem with our credit card terminal (not that that's serious - aaaarrrrrrghhh!)
Everything was deal-with-able, except that because of the timing of the computer failure I couldn't get my name cards printed the way I would have liked to.  So we had hand-written labels. As I said to Martin:  well, at least we had proper labels in stock!

So, we had to do a little bit of adjusting to our setup during bump in (the best laid plans, and all that) but once that was done things went smoothly and we were all set well before the gala opening.  That was a champagne affair with people seeing and needing to be seen. It was fun seeing all the antiques dealers who had been in jeans and boots a few hours earlier (ourselves included) all clean and spiffy for the evening's festivities, although I was tired beyond human endurance by night's end.

More later!


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